Quick Start

What can LBANN do?

The Livermore Big Artificial Neural Network toolkit (LBANN) is an HPC-centric deep learning training framework that works across multiple levels of parallelism. LBANN is capable of taking advantage of HPC hardware to accelerate the training of deep learning models on massive datasets.

Installing LBANN

LBANN supports installation through Spack and CMake. We recommend using the Spack installation instructions below. If the Spack install fails, try using the CMake install.

  1. Download and install Spack. Enable the additional Spack commands for module files described here:

    source ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/setup-env.sh
  2. Users that are familiar with Spack and already have a custom Spack ecosystem can install LBANN with:

    spack install lbann <customization options>

    A complete list of LBANN install options can be found with:

    spack info lbann

    For users new to Spack, LBANN provides a script that will perform some basic configuration (e.g., add paths to externally installed packages) and install LBANN in a Spack environment. This script is only tested and maintained for systems at LLNL, NERSC, and ORNL. If you are not running on a system at one of these institutions, you may try the Spack install above or the :ref:`CMake install <build-with-cmake>`. To use this installation script, clone the repository and run the script:

    git clone https://github.com/llnl/lbann
    cd ./lbann
    ./scripts/build_lbann.sh -d -- +cuda +half

    View other options available by passing the -h option to the script.


It is recommended that your Spack environment take advantage of locally installed tools. Unless your Spack environment is explicitly told about tools such as CMake, Python, MPI, etc., it will install everything that LBANN and all of its dependencies require. This can take quite a long time but only has to be done once for a given spack repository. Once all of the standard tools are installed, rebuilding LBANN with Spack is quite fast.

Advice on setting up paths to external installations is beyond the scope of this document but is covered in the Spack Documentation.

Test LBANN Install

  1. [HPC Center Option] If you are on typical HPC system you may want to get an allocation on a compute node to compile your code and run your tests. See your compute center’s policy and documentation for where you should build and run code. Note that the LBANN Python Front End (PFE) launcher can run from an allocated compute node or dispatch to a set of known job launchers:

    <get some sort of compute node>
  2. If you used the build_lbann.sh script for installation or installed in a Spack environment, you will need to activate the Spack LBANN environment:

    spack env activate -p lbann
  3. Test an implementation of the LeNet neural network on the MNIST data set at <lbann repo path>/applications/vision/lenet.py to verify that your LBANN installation is working correctly:

    cd <lbann repo path>/applications/vision/
    python3 lenet.py

    Running this Python script will automatically submit a job to the system scheduler. If LBANN was built successfully, you should see output from LBANN about loading the data, building the network, and training the model.

    If LBANN fails to run, you can view the generated job script and log files, and run the job manually:

    ls ./\*_lbann_lenet

    If this also fails, you may try building LBANN again using the CMake install instructions.

Basic Usage

A typical workflow involves the following steps:

  1. Configuring a Trainer.

  2. Configuring LBANN model components (like the graph of Layer s) and creating a Model.

  • Classes for model components are automatically generated from the LBANN Protobuf specifications in lbann/src/proto. These files are currently the best source of documentation. Message fields in the Protobuf specification are optional keyword arguments for the corresponding Python class constructor. If a keyword argument is not provided, it is logically zero (e.g. false for Boolean fields and empty for string fields)

  1. Configuring the default Optimizer to be used by the Weights objects.

  2. Loading in a Protobuf text file describing the data reader.

    • The Python frontend currently does not have good support for specifying data readers. If any data reader properties need to be set programmatically, the user must do it directly via the Protobuf Python API.

  3. Launching LBANN by calling run.

    • lbann.run should be run from a compute node. If a node allocation is not available, the batch_job option can be set to submit a batch job to the scheduler.

    • A timestamped work directory will be created each time LBANN is run. The default location of these work directories can be set with the environment variable LBANN_EXPERIMENT_DIR.

    • Supported job managers are Slurm and LSF.

    • LLNL users and collaborators may prefer to use lbann.contrib.launcher.run. This is similar to lbann.run, with defaults and optimizations for certain systems.

PyTorch to LBANN

The LBANN Python API is very similar to the PyTorch API. In order to help users familiar with PyTorch transition to LBANN, we prepared the following guide:

Loading Data

Both LBANN and PyTorch use similar strategies for loading data into models. With PyTorch, we can load the MNIST dataset using the included DataLoader:

import torch
from torchvision import datasets, transforms

batch_size = 64
data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
              datasets.MNIST('data', train=True, download=True,

With LBANN, you can write custom data reader functions that use protobuf files to define the input data and transform it into the input tensors for your model:

import os
import lbann
from google.protobuf import text_format

def make_data_reader(data_dir):
    protobuf_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'data_reader.prototext')
    message = lbann.lbann_pb2.LbannPB()
    with open(protobuf_file, 'r') as f:
        text_format.Merge(f.read(), message)
    message = message.data_reader
    message.reader[0].data_filedir = data_dir

    return message

data_reader = make_data_reader(os.path.realpath('./mnist_data/'))

This reader assumes that the files train-images-idx3-ubyte, train-labels-idx1-ubyte, and data_reader.prototext are located in the ./mnist_data directory. The data_read.prototext file contains the following:

data_reader {
  reader {
    name: "mnist"
    role: "train"
    shuffle: true
    data_filedir: "mnist_data"
    data_filename: "train-images-idx3-ubyte"
    label_filename: "train-labels-idx1-ubyte"
    validation_fraction: 0.1
    fraction_of_data_to_use: 1.0
    transforms {
      scale {
        scale: 0.003921568627  # 1/255

Building a Model

Building models in LBANN is similar to building models in PyTorch. For example, we can define a simple PyTorch model for the MNIST dataset with:

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, kernel_size=5)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(12*12*20, 10)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2)
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
        x = self.fc(x)
        x = F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
        return x

net = Net()

Using LBANN, that same neural network can be built with:

input_ = lbann.Input(target_mode = 'classification')
images = lbann.Identity(input_)
labels = lbann.Identity(input_)

x = lbann.Convolution(images, num_dims=2, out_channels=20,
                      num_groups=1, kernel_size=5, stride=1,
                      dilation=1, has_bias=True)
x = lbann.Relu(x)
x = lbann.Pooling(x, num_dims=2, pool_dims_i=2,
                  pool_strides_i=2, pool_mode='max')
x = lbann.FullyConnected(x, num_neurons=10, has_bias=True)
probs = lbann.Softmax(x)

loss = lbann.CrossEntropy(probs, labels)

model = lbann.Model(epochs=5,

Setup Model Training

Training a model with PyTorch can be achieved by setting a few parameters, defining an optimizer, and building a training loop:

import torch.optim as optim

learning_rate = 0.01
momentum = 0.5

opt = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)

def train(epoch):
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(data_loader):
        output = net(data)
        loss = F.nll_loss(output, target)

    print('Training Epoch: {},\tLoss: {:.3f}'.format(epoch, loss.item()))

With LBANN, we also define learning parameterrs and an optimizer. With LBANN, a Trainer is provided that negates the need to build your own training loop:

learning_rate = 0.01
momentum = 0.5
batch_size = 64

opt = lbann.SGD(learn_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)

trainer = lbann.Trainer(mini_batch_size=batch_size)

Run the Experiment

Running the experiment in PyTorch is as simple as calling the training loop:

for epoch in range(5):

Running the experiment in LBANN is just as easy:

import lbann.contrib.launcher
lbann.contrib.launcher.run(trainer, model, data_reader,
                           opt, job_name='mnist-test')

Python acts only as a frontend for LBANN. The above commands will automatically generate a batch job script and submit it to the system scheduler. You can see the job script and associated job files in the ./*mnist-test/ directory.


The LBANN launcher.run can accept additional arguments to specify additional scheduler and job parameters. LBANN provides methods that help with these parameters at lbann.contrib.args.add_scheduler_arguments() and lbann.contrib.args.get_scheduler_kwargs().