Batched First-Order Optimization Methods

The most prevalent method for training neural networks is Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). The basic procedure is to evaluate an objective function with a batch of samples, compute the gradient of the objective function at those points, and update weights using some update rule. Over the years, as new (and quite old) problems have revealed weaknesses in the simple SGD update step, other update rules have emerged.

LBANN implicitly supports a variety of first-order gradient update rules. Specifically, LBANN supports Adam, Adagrad, a hypergradient variant of Adam, RMSprop, and classical SGD.

At this time, however, the optimization rule is part of the model description, with a distinct rule being attached to each (nonfrozen) weights tensor in the model. This has the advantage of flexibility: were one so inclined, each weights tensor could update using a different rule with a unique set of so-called “hyperparameters”. However, it strongly couples a training artifact with the model description rather than with a training-specific object.

The lbann.BatchedIterativeOptimizer algorithm does not modify this structure; neither does it expose a way to manage the update rules or how they are applied to model parameters. Rather, it wraps around the existing infrastructure to provide a formalism consistent with other training algorithms in LBANN.

Python Front-end Example

Since the lbann.BatchedIterativeOptimizer class represents a wrapper around external infrastructure, its interface is currently very minimal. Its behavior relies on model-level parameters (for weights-specific update rules) and global parameters (for setting up the default update rule).

The following example demonstrates using the SGD update rule as the default rule. Since no other rules are set, this rule will be used for every weights tensor in the model. The lbann.BatchedIterativeOptimizer is then setup to manage 10 epochs of iterative batched training with a batch size of 64. As with all training algorithms, a name is provided to identify this training algorithm instance in log messages.

# Setup elsewhere:
model = ...
data_reader = ...

# Setup default optimization strategy
default_update_rule = lbann.SGD(learn_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)

# Setup trainer
trainer = lbann.Trainer(mini_batch_size=64,
                          "my descent algorithm",

# Pass the update rule as a global parameter to the LBANN driver, model, data_reader, default_update_rule)

This is expected to be the most common use-case.

As a more advanced use-case, the following demonstrates setting a different update rule for one weights object in the model, while using a default update rule for the remaining weights objects. (This is merely illustrative; there is no implication that this is a good thing to do.)

# Setup a weights tensor to be optimized with Adam:
my_weights = lbann.Weights(name="my weights",

# Attach the weights tensor to a layer:
my_layer = lbann.FullyConnected(weights=[my_weights], ...)

# Finish setting up objects
model = ...
data_reader = ...

# Setup default optimization strategy
default_update_rule = lbann.SGD(learn_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)

# Setup trainer
trainer = lbann.Trainer(mini_batch_size=64,
                          "my descent algorithm",

# Pass the update rule as a global parameter to the LBANN driver, model, data_reader, default_update_rule)

Python Front-end API Documentation

The following is the full documentation of the Python Front-end class that implements this training algorithm.

lbann.BatchedIterativeOptimizer module

class BatchedIterativeOptimizer(TrainingAlgorithm)

Batched gradient descent training algorithm.

Because LBANN manages optimizers on a weights-specific basis, and those optimizers are (theoretically) allowed to vary from weights to weights, it would be inaccurate to describe this as “SGD” (which would also clash with the “Optimizer” subclass). Nonetheless, this is the well-loved first-order descent algorithm that seems good enough most of the time for most people (or so seems the general consensus).

Also as a result of the way in which LBANN manages optimizers, the usage requirements for this class are quite sparse: only the stopping criteria are specified. The rest of the behavior of this class is specified in the model.

class StoppingCriteria

Stopping criteria for an instance of BatchedIterativeOptimizer.

BatchedIterativeOptimizer can be done to a finite batch count, a finite epoch count, or a fixed number of (double-precision) seconds (note: time-based stopping criteria is not publicly available yet; this is just a bit of foreshadowing).

When used as a subalgorithm within a composite algorithm (see LTFB, below), this specifies the stopping criteria for each invocation. The algorithm stops when any of the criteria is satisfied.

__init__(batch_count: int = 0, epoch_count: int =
0, seconds: float = 0.)

Construct a new BatchedIterativeOptimizer stopping criteria.

  • batch_count (int) – Number of minibatches.

  • epoch_count (int) – Number of epochs.

  • seconds (float) – Time limit in seconds.


Get a protobuf representation of this object.

Return type


__init__(name: str, num_iterations: int = 0,
epoch_count: int = 0, max_seconds: float = 0.)

Construct a new BatchedIterativeOptimizer instance.

  • name (string) – A user-defined name to identify this object in logs.

  • num_iterations (int) – Number of minibatches.

  • epoch_count (int) – Number of epochs.

  • max_seconds (float) – Maximum training duration (seconds).


Get a protobuf representation of this object.

Return type
