LBANN Software Architecture and Class Overview

Trainers (i.e. execution environment)

A trainer is a collection of compute resources and defines a explicit communication domain. It provides the execution for both the training and inference of a trained model. Once constructed a trainer owns an LBANN comm object that defines both intra- and inter-trainer communication domains. Additionally, a trainer will contain an I/O thread pool that is used to fetch and pre-process data that will be provided to the trainer’s models.

A trainer owns:

  • comm object

  • I/O thread pool

  • One or more models

  • Execution context for each model

  • In the future, it will also contain the data readers.

Execution Context

When a model is attached to a trainer the execution context of the training algorithm is stored in an execution_context class (or sub-class) per execution mode. Thus there is one execution context per model and mode that contains all of the state with respect to the training algorithm being applied to the model.

For example it tracks the current:

  • step

  • execution mode

  • epoch

  • and a pointer back to the trainer

Termination Criteria (Pending)

(Pending feature) When a model is going to be trained or evaluated, the termination criteria is specified in an object that is passed into the training algorithm. (Note that this feature is under development, currently the termination criteria is dictated by when the training algorithm executes a fixed number of epochs.)

Training Algorithms

The training algorithm defines the optimization that is to be applied to the model(s) being trained. Additionally, it can specify how to evaluate the model.


A model is a collection of operations with dependencies encoded as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). In a typical formulation, these operations form a neural network that will be either trained or used for inference. Each operation in the model is an instance of the layer class. The model is then a collection of layers that perform transformations and mathematical operations on data that is passed between layers. The model’s DAG is executed in topological order. Inside of some layer types are weight matrices that define a trained model. (Note that LBANN should be able to support non-DNN models, but this is a subject for future work.)

Each layer in the graph contains a set of tensors that holds the inputs, computed outputs, gradients with respect to the outputs, and gradients with respect to the inputs. Furthermore, for each layer in the graph with learnable parameters, there is an associated weight tensor that form the learned weights of the model. The model also owns the objective function, since that is integrally tied into the model’s computational graph. Additionally, the model owns both the default optimizer that is used to provide a standard optimizer for the model’s weight tensors. Once each weight tensor is instantiated, it will owns an instance of an optimizer.

The model also owns the max_mini_batch_size that is supported by the model. This is due to the fact that it changes the size and shape of input, output, and gradient tensors. Additionally, the model owns a field that controls if background I/O is allowed for this model and associated data reader.