Specific information for Livermore Computing (LC) systems


Many features below make assumptions that users belong to certain groups on LC systems. Any information contained here should not be considered general-purpose and any examples are not expected to work except for certain users on LLNL’s LC systems.

The build_lbann_lc.sh script

The build_lbann_lc.sh script in the scripts/ directory is a historical script with logic to choose the “right” compilers and grab all the LC-installed dependencies. It is updated on an ad-hoc basis by the subset of developers who use it and it should not be relied upon as a replacement for other methods described in this guide.


Certain paths through this script require access to a certain linux group on the Livermore Computing machines (LC) at LLNL.

Pre-installed Binary Packages

The LC machines have many instances of cuDNN and NCCL installed in locations shared by the brain group. These may be consistently detected by CMake by export-ing their locations into the shell:

export CUDNN_DIR=/usr/WS2/brain/cudnn/cudnn-7.4.2/cuda-10.0_x86_64
export NCCL_DIR=/usr/WS2/brain/nccl2/nccl_2.4.2-1+cuda10.0_x86_64

Notice that this is specific to using CUDA 10.0 on an x86_64 LC machine. This is a shortcut around formally passing this location as a cache variable to all relevant CMake projects. The cache method for passing these to the LBANN CMake is:

cmake CUDNN_DIR=/usr/WS2/brain/cudnn/cudnn-7.4.2/cuda-10.0_x86_64 \
    <other args> \

LBANN will detect NCCL automatically from the Aluminum import; there should be no need to pass NCCL_DIR to the LBANN CMake.

The Superbuild, on the other hand, may require both CUDNN_DIR and NCCL_DIR if building both Aluminum and LBANN. Such an invocation might be:

    -DLBANN_SB_FWD_ALUMINUM_NCCL_DIR=/usr/WS2/brain/nccl2/nccl_2.4.2-1+cuda10.0_x86_64 \
    -DLBANN_SB_FWD_CUDNN_DIR=/usr/WS2/brain/cudnn/cudnn-7.4.2/cuda-10.0_x86_64 \
    <other options> \